Computing speed, ease of integration and user experience that can guide you throughout the creation of a new tariff process, from defining insurances to the massive testing.

ACERATE is the calculation engine that allows you to manage fast and easy the insurance rates from configuration to the listing.

Discover ACERATE


MyEDI assists companies to manage integration issues of heterogeneous systems, consequently maximizing the level of customer service.

It's a flow converter, it was born of the need to improve the integration between the different softwares used by the customer. It enables data exchange (e. g. docomentation ) between two incompatible data sources.

Discover MyEDI


BigEYE is the innovative cloud-based service monitoring the power plants from renewable sources, accessible in SaaS mode.

The use of cloud platform guarantees service performance, scalability and continuity over the years.

Discover BigEYE

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